Crossing the Blues

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Biking Rules and Peds

by bluhmr on Flickr

Great article by the prolific Robert Sullivan (he's got two articles in this month's Vogue too, interesting...)about heightened bike and pedestrian conflicts as more and more people take to their feet to get themselves around. Hooray for more people, boo for still not enough space. Yes to a physically protected bike lane on the Brooklyn Bridge roadways to alleviate the congestion on the bike/ped path.

Speaking of which, maybe this article will inspire folks to enter the Biking Rules PSA (i.e., Public Service Announcement) Competition ending this Tuesday. You can win up to $4,000 in cash, and will be eligible for the Biking Rules Film Festival at BAM. What are you waiting for?

Team Amsterdam Wins!

A great NYT description here. We'll be posting the presentations plus photos on New Amsterdam Bike Slam shortly.

Photos here by Pascal van den Noort.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How To Skew A Dot Pattern with Adobe Illustrator

Here we have a great video tutorial for Adobe Illustrator explaining how to use the Free Transform, Shear, Skew and Reflect tools to create vector logo types and icons in perspective

Important shortcuts to remember:
*Mac OS
Cmd + Opt + Shift + Drag with the Free Transform Tool = Shear
Cmd + Shif + Drag with Free Transform Tool = Skew

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Drag with the Free Transform Tool = Shear
Ctrl + Shif + Drag with Free Transform Tool = Skew

More about using the "Free Transform Tool" here.

How To Skew A Dot Pattern with Adobe Illustrator

Here we have a great video tutorial for Adobe Illustrator explaining how to use the Free Transform, Shear, Skew and Reflect tools to create vector logo types and icons in perspective

Important shortcuts to remember:
*Mac OS
Cmd + Opt + Shift + Drag with the Free Transform Tool = Shear
Cmd + Shif + Drag with Free Transform Tool = Skew

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Drag with the Free Transform Tool = Shear
Ctrl + Shif + Drag with Free Transform Tool = Skew

More about using the "Free Transform Tool" here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

10 HQ Geometric Pop Art Vector Graphics

A free vector set from Angie Bowen. Inside this pack you will find ten free abstract vectors that may help you achieve Pop Art style look in your design composition...

The artwork is saved in EPS file format, you can use any vector compatible editor to modify or customize it.

Free for personal and commercial use. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Download

Related Posts:

46 Pop Art Symbols for Adobe Illustrator

Random Pop Art Symbols for Adobe Illustrator

Vector Art Templates: Free Abstract Logo Design Icons

10 Stunning Vector Pattern Sets for Adobe Illustrator

"We Love The Nightlife" Club Flyer Vector Art Pack

10 HQ Geometric Pop Art Vector Graphics

A free vector set from Angie Bowen. Inside this pack you will find ten free abstract vectors that may help you achieve Pop Art style look in your design composition...

The artwork is saved in EPS file format, you can use any vector compatible editor to modify or customize it.

Free for personal and commercial use. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Download

Related Posts:

46 Pop Art Symbols for Adobe Illustrator

Random Pop Art Symbols for Adobe Illustrator

Vector Art Templates: Free Abstract Logo Design Icons

10 Stunning Vector Pattern Sets for Adobe Illustrator

"We Love The Nightlife" Club Flyer Vector Art Pack

Working with Spot Colors in Adobe Illustrator

An eye-opening material on issues with spot colors while using royalty free vectors from iStockphoto. "Picture this: You need an image for a project, and the deadline is looming. You download a cool illustration from iStock, place it in your layout and send it off to the printer. An hour later, the printer phones you back.

“Excellent,” you think, “my print job is done!” But nooo, the printer is calling to let you know that your file contains 15 spot colors, and if you really want 15 different plates made and run through the press, it’s going to cost you at least ten times more and take a whole week to finish. There goes your budget and your deadline.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!? Spot colors? How did those get there? And what are they, anyway?" Continue to full article.

Working with Spot Colors in Adobe Illustrator

An eye-opening material on issues with spot colors while using royalty free vectors from iStockphoto. "Picture this: You need an image for a project, and the deadline is looming. You download a cool illustration from iStock, place it in your layout and send it off to the printer. An hour later, the printer phones you back.

“Excellent,” you think, “my print job is done!” But nooo, the printer is calling to let you know that your file contains 15 spot colors, and if you really want 15 different plates made and run through the press, it’s going to cost you at least ten times more and take a whole week to finish. There goes your budget and your deadline.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!? Spot colors? How did those get there? And what are they, anyway?" Continue to full article.

15 Random Design Elements Free Vector Art Pack

Here we have a free vector pack that you can use for your design projects or inspiration. Inside you will find 15 random design elements some of which you might use as logo templates...

The set is saved in AI (Adobe Illustrator), EPS, PDF and SVG file formats, you can use any vector compatible editor to modify or customize it.

Free for personal and commercial use. If you post this vector art pack on your site, please make sure to include a link to Download

Related Posts:

"We Love The Nightlife" Club Flyer Vector Art Pack

60 Random Vectors in EPS

Vector Art Design Elements of Freedom - Pack #01

10 Vector Resources for Digital Illustrators and Flash Artists

15 Random Design Elements Free Vector Art Pack

Here we have a free vector pack that you can use for your design projects or inspiration. Inside you will find 15 random design elements some of which you might use as logo templates...

The set is saved in AI (Adobe Illustrator), EPS, PDF and SVG file formats, you can use any vector compatible editor to modify or customize it.

Free for personal and commercial use. If you post this vector art pack on your site, please make sure to include a link to Download

Related Posts:

"We Love The Nightlife" Club Flyer Vector Art Pack

60 Random Vectors in EPS

Vector Art Design Elements of Freedom - Pack #01

10 Vector Resources for Digital Illustrators and Flash Artists

Manga Vector Files

As a follow up to yesterdays article (80 of the Best Vector and Illustrator Free Resources), here are some free Vector files to play about with.
All of these files have been recommended by various readers, and I am sure you will agree they are worth sharing. Thanks to everyone.

We all love free Vector.

Vector Business People

Pulp Fiction

Vector PNG Graphics

ornamental design elements

To modify this file you will need a SVG editing software such as Inkscape.


Vector illustrations

Vector grunge floral background

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dancing Girl Silhouettes Free EPS Vector Pack

A collection of vector silhouette illustrations of dancing girls in six different poses from WebDesignCreatives. You can use the artwork for designing a house music cd cover, logo design brainstorming or inspiration...

The artwork is saved in EPS file format, you can use any vector compatible editor to modify or customize it.

Free for personal and commercial use. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Download

Relared Posts:

Fashion Model Silhouettes Vector Pack

Vector Mannequin Illustrations in EPS

Dancing Girl Silhouettes Free EPS Vector Pack

A collection of vector silhouette illustrations of dancing girls in six different poses from WebDesignCreatives. You can use the artwork for designing a house music cd cover, logo design brainstorming or inspiration...

The artwork is saved in EPS file format, you can use any vector compatible editor to modify or customize it.

Free for personal and commercial use. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Download

Relared Posts:

Fashion Model Silhouettes Vector Pack

Vector Mannequin Illustrations in EPS

Amazing Skull Vector Designs


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Seven Recording Studio Design Elements Vector Pack

A free vector set for Adobe Illustrator from Click Pop Media. Inside the pack you will find vector illustrations of A Cassette Tape, A Vintage Microphone, Two reel-to-reel recorders and speakers...

This resource is free for personal and commercial use. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

The artwork is available in AI (Adobe Illustrator) and EPS file formats. Download

Related Posts

40 Years Woodstock Music Festival Vector Art Tribute

"Waterproof Your Music" Poster Ad Campaign by LOWE Egypt

Seven Recording Studio Design Elements Vector Pack

A free vector set for Adobe Illustrator from Click Pop Media. Inside the pack you will find vector illustrations of A Cassette Tape, A Vintage Microphone, Two reel-to-reel recorders and speakers...

This resource is free for personal and commercial use. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

The artwork is available in AI (Adobe Illustrator) and EPS file formats. Download

Related Posts

40 Years Woodstock Music Festival Vector Art Tribute

"Waterproof Your Music" Poster Ad Campaign by LOWE Egypt

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lebaran Telah Tiba: Mudik sambil Bermaafan Yuk!!!!

Tak terasa sebentar lagi hari kemangan akan tiba, seluruh umat islam didunia merayakannya dengan penuh syukur. Kemudian hari lebaran juga diisi dengan silaturahim dan pemotongan ketupat. Selalu menjadi tradisi umat islam di indonesia yaitu memotong ketupat, ketupat sudah menjadi khas lebaran, ketika melihat ketupat hati kita selalu tersentuh akan hari-hari nan fitrah dimana Allah SWT menghapuskan semua dosa-dosanya yang telah lampau dan diri kita sudah suci seperti halnya bayi yang baru lahir.

Sebelum hari itu tiba, bagi warga yang merantau pastinya sudah bersiap-siap untuk mudik, mudik juga sudah menjadi tradisi di Indonesia, karena apa ? Karena di hari nan fitri, kita sebagai umat islam harus menjalin hubungan silaturahmi yang erat antar keluarga, sanak famili & tetangga, guna menjalin persahabatan di alam dunia dan guna pertanggung jawaban kita di akhirat kelak.

Mungkin tepatnya Hari : Jum'at Tanggal : 11 September 2009 Pukul : 09.43 adalah hari terakhir saya untuk berasyik-asyikan di dunia maya, karena hari besok adalah hari saya mudik dan mudah-mudahan Allah SWT memudahkan segala urusan saya serta kalian semua yang membaca tulisan ini.

Mungkin tak usah banyak basa-basi
Langsung aja ke tujuan....
Saya Irawanqq
ingin meminta maaf
apabila irawanqq punya salah kepada kawan2 se dunia maya
baik yang disengaja maupun tidak sengaja
baik itu berupa ucapan
atau kata2 sindirian
kepada temen2
di hari nan fitri ini
mari kita bermaaf-maafan

dan selamat menempuh hari-hari kemangan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin

Akhirul kata

Award keberapa yg pernah terpasang disini.... Dari temen2 blogger

Rizky2009 Award

Terima kasih kepada temen2 yang tetap kokoh dalam menjalankan silatirahmi di dalam dunia maya, terutama silaturahmi dengan blog saya sampai-sampai memberikan award / sebuah penghargaan-penghargaan yang sangat menggembirakan bagi saya pribadi dan khususnya untuk semua.

Nah karena ini award adalah award yang fungsinya untuk menambahkan traffic atau back link, maka dari itu saya sangat berterima kasih sekali karena tanpa saran demi saran teman-teman tidak ada gunanya blog saya ini.

Terima kasih atas semua penghargaan yang telah diberikan. TETAP SEMANGAT!!!!

Oh iya 1 lagi
Bagi temen-temen yang ingin mengunduh award ini
kami persilahkan, asalkan jangan lupa memberi nama pada award tersebut.


Wish is yet another amazing vector art designed by mary-chan. A very good thought has been put into this art, which makes it look really wonderful. As there is a saying, A picture speaks a thousand words, this wonderful piece of art also speaks thousands of words.


Wish is yet another amazing vector art designed by mary-chan. A very good thought has been put into this art, which makes it look really wonderful. As there is a saying, A picture speaks a thousand words, this wonderful piece of art also speaks thousands of words.

Princess F Vector Art

Princess F is a beautifully designed vector art by CQcat.To download, click on the above image.

Princess F Vector Art

Princess F is a beautifully designed vector art by CQcat.To download, click on the above image.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Floral Pattern Design Vector Graphics

Floral Pattern Design Vector Graphics [incl. AI | EPS | SVG | PDF]

Abstract Floral Design. All are created in illustrator CS3. It is completely vectorized. If you have any request that want to be included to the pack, just write it in comment.

in ZIP [1.3 mb]:
1 .ai file CS3
1 .eps file CS3
1 .svg
1 .pdf